Nexuiz - Shooter Games for PC
Nexuiz is a game genre action, shooter and this wargame is a modern breakthrough videogame with 3D graphics image of modern, powerful soundtrack sound effects. With modern world is at war started, gamers provide some very sophisticated types of weapons to destroy the enemy, I think this is ne of the game that required you try!.
With some of the control functions that are used as Arrow keys = Move, Mouse = goal, Left mouse or Ctrl = shoot, Right mouse or Alt = alt fire, Shift = crounch, Space = jump, T = talk, Y = team talk, 1, 2,3, .. 9 = choose weapon, Esc = pause + look at the menu. Immediate download this exciting game and play the game that is very incredible and the following bit sreenshot when tested on Windows XP.
Tested In WIndows XP
Game Nexuiz has a concept of future combat and created using Cry Engine 3 is certainly known as highly capable engine. The game has high graphics and are designed to be low-end PC user, If your computer including low, it could be an option Nexuiz FPS games to be played lightly.
Nexuiz - Shooter Games for PC