Download OpenBVE-Train Simulation Game for PC

Download OpenBVE-Train Simulation Game for PC

Free Download Train Simulation OpenBVE - Never ride the train? Through the mountains, fields and waduh. It's beautiful scenery on the train. Once unthinkable to become a train engineer? My friend is a railway enthusiast, once he had advised me to play Open BVE, a train simulation game that is open source. Can run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. The game is developed by communities around the world, we can add the type of train and routes at will.

Games OpenBVE This is one of the videogame simulator that is now being favored by children simulator. So, game lovers of this type of game is able to educate us to become a machinist, simulator game play is quite interesting bro, besides we find it to be a train engineer, there are many who would we know what is usually done by the train engineer.

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Download OpenBVE-Train Simulation Game for PC

To play in the windows, we need OpenAL, .NET 4 (XP), .NET 4.5 / over (Vista, 7, 8). For users of Windows 8, to be run as an administrator openbve so the game will run.

If the trouble to make the train and the route itself, we can download by visiting the website railroad lovers community. all have been provided and ready for use. If not wrong first existing railway routes and in Indonesia, but I forgot where to download, because once given the same friends and the file is gone. The following computer specifications to be prepared to be able to play this game well:

Minimum System Requirements
Intel Pentium 4 HT or AMD Sempron, 2.6GHz or Higher
ATI Radeon 7500/NVIDIA GeForce 6150, 128MB or higher
1GB of RAM

Download OpenBVE-Train Simulation Game for PC